New Year Resolutions


It’s the end of a decade! As we end 2019 and head into 2020 we reflect not only on what the last year has brought us, but also we reflect on what we want out of the year to come. We often make resolutions for the New Year that some stick to and some end of leaving behind in 2019. Here are some of my resolutions for the upcoming year that will be easier to stick to.

  1. Spending less time on my phone.

It becomes a habit to constantly be connected with someone at all times. We’re so busy tuning into to what everyone else is doing instead of taking the time to read a book or be in the moment with others. This year I want to read at least 5 new books and spend time traveling, enjoying the company of others.

  • Shopping at local retailers.

I know we can all get caught up spending time and money with retailers that we’re used to like Target or Amazon. We forget to venture out to local retailers who have great finds. In addition to their great finds, when you purchase from their local stores, you’re helping out a whole community. I plan to shop local stores a little more in the upcoming year.

  • Traveling more.

I think this one is on the list every year. I want to travel more and see places I haven’t seen before. Traveling is always important no matter if it’s a new year or not. It allows you to expand your horizons and try new things.

  • Trying to live in the moment.

I’m 100% a planner. I live for setting schedules and days where each moment is laid out for me. It can often be hard to truthfully just go with the flow in certain situations. This year I’m ready to allow some change in and plan (see it’s going well) for more days without set plans or places to be. I’m ready to do as I please and let things happen in the moment. This may be the hardest on yet!

  • Be Gentile.

In 2020, I want to be gentile on myself and gentile on others. It can be hard in such a connected environment to simply not make any judgements on others or to judge oneself really hard. This year should be more acceptances for me and for others.

Here are just a few reminders of what I want for myself for the year to come. I can’t wait to look back at the end of 2020 and see everything that has been accomplished this year. For 2019, these are my favorite five memories.

2019 Memories & Accomplishments:

  1. Celebrating a year after Open Heart Surgery.
  2. Spending an evening on a working farm, eating dinner and enjoying others from around the world.
  3. Beautiful celebrations of weddings & new additions.
  4. Vacations from Montauk to Turks and Caicos. Being in beautiful places surrounded by ones you love.
  5. Of course the start of my blog. From just an idea for a Pinterest board, to everything I could imagine into a working website. Allowing dreams to come true.

Can’t wait to see what 2020 brings! Happy New Year to you and yours!
